
"Quizzo Night" For Our Czech-American Partner Program



If February 21, 2012 was known for Mardi Gras in most parts of the world, here in Prague the biggest event in town was definitely the UPCES Quizzo Night.

"Quizzo," which refers to team trivia, is a popular activity in Prague (and much of Europe) for expats and locals alike. The UPCES Quizzo Night borrowed two of the city's best known "Quiz-masters" for a competition in multimedia format, including a picture round (celebrity caricatures, see below), a music round ("la la la" songs), a video round ("Worst music videos ever!"), sports movies, and the general knowledge round "Why is that?"

UPCES students turned out in full force to join teams with their Czech partners from Charles University. We filled out the main hall of Mosaic House, the trendy and stylish restaurant, hotel, and cultural activities center in Prague 1.

The full-house of students created an amazing atmosphere for socializing with new friends in the Czech-American program. Just about every team comprised players from both countries, which made for some unique perspectives on the answers to the questions (for instance, mostly Czech students knew the face of #12 below - Czech President Vaclav Klaus).

See pics from the night on our Facebook photo gallery.