
Recent Guest Lecturers: U.S. Ambassador Norman Eisen and White House Chief Economic Advisor Alan Krueger


Alan Krueger, Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors

This past Monday, a pair of prominent U.S. officials came over to our building for a guest lecture and lively panel discussion on global economics. The lecture was held in the opulent Room #7 of CERGE-EI.

The main speaker was Alan Krueger, the Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors and the Bendheim Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University. Dr. Krueger has a distinguished academic record in numerous areas of research and is among the most respected and accomplished economists in the world.

Krueger was joined by Norman Eisen, the current United States Ambassador to the Czech Republic and a former Special Councel to the Obama Administration.

The main topic of discussion was the global economy, with a particular focus on the U.S. economy. Krueger led a guest lecture titled "Reasons for Confidence in the U.S. Economy," in which he highlighted 7 key reasons for optimism, including the innovative nature of American companies, the strength of American colleges and universities, the large R&D investments from the federal government, and promising economic data.

Also joining the discussion were Jan Svejnar and Stepan Ju
 rajda from CERGE-EI. Their contribution to the panel combined expertise with personal experiences of the economic environment in the United States.