
So you decided to spend your weekend in Prague! Amazing! Many „Praguesters“ love their weekend mornings and can enjoy them in all kinds of ways. For example, every Saturday there is a huge farmers' market down by the Vltava river called Náplavka. Over the years this became a great hangout for both locals and toursits. No matter which group you fit in, the rule usually is: go get some fresh veggies, milk, cheese, meat or even flowers and continue to meet your friends for a brunch to chit-chat throughout early afternoon hours.

"But where do I go for these brunches?" you might ask. Fear no more because I am here to help and give you some tips (my personal favorites but shh)!

Let's talk a bit of history at


This place carries so much history which is portrayed both in the exterior and interior of the building and a whole concept of the café. You might have heard of T.G. Masaryk, Albert Einstein, Karel Čapek or Franz Kafka – well all of these amazing people were once regulars at Louvre which makes it even more unique when you go there. If you happen to have your family or friends visiting this is definitely the place to take them. They serve breakfasts/brunches, lunch and even diner. They are open both during the week days and on weekends. Make sure that there is a table booked for you by filling out the reservation form on their website!

Very similar but perhaps more updated version of Cafe Louvre would be


This one specifically belongs to the Ambiente group of restaurants – highly-ranked gastronomy facilities yet the prices are fair if you think about where all the ingredients come from. These types of restaurants work with local producers and farmers only, some of them you might meet at the farmers markets as well! Cafe Savoy is a noble café with amazing selection of genuine Czech foods and foods inspired by French cuisine. The Coffee served here is roasted in one of the top Czech roasteries DOUBLESHOT. They also serve meals throughout the day but breakfast and brunches are the top notch! Opening hours go from early-ish mornings to late evenings, so even if you sleep-in a bit you will not miss out on anything.

Speaking of Ambiente, another great place is


I personally love this place. It is very trendy, airy, always smells like freshly baked bread and freshly brewed coffee and it is just lovely. Making a reservation for this place is worth it. They get their coffee beans from another top Czech roastery called NORDBEANS located in the northern town of the Czech Republic called Liberec. Eska has a very sophisticated and modern interior with open kitchen. There is a small café right by the kitchen where you can socialize with other people by sitting around a large table. But if you want something more intimate head up to the second floor and enjoy your private table.

Last favorite member of the „Ambi fam“ is


This pastry shop has a rich history starting in early 1900s. It is both a café and a pastry shop. The latter one is a bit of a hidden gem. When you enter the café at Myšák don't hesitate to walk around the counter to the back and climb up the staircase. On your way you can admire the beautiful chandelier. Once you are up there take a seat and enjoy either great brunch menu or some amazing and most importantly very typical pastries such as kremrole or rakvičky. They also make fresh batches of croissants everyday and a Czech specialty loupák which is amazing either with a cappuccino or hot chocolate!

Great place with amazing coffee also from Nordbeans roastery can be found in


Osada is located in Holešovice – an up-and-coming neighborhood. It has a nice courtyard that is perfect for sunny Saturdays! Once again you will get a variety of amazing foods and desserts. It has a very open space with nice lofty area for a bit of privacy. Otherwise it has this social feeling. Great place to go to with a smaller group of friends!

Did you find a great spot I missed? Let me know!