
Pictures from our trip to Krakow published on Facebook

altUPCES students headed to Krakow for the weekend of October 20-23 to experience one of Central Europe's most culturally rich cities. Krakow is a playground of historical buildings, churches, synagogues, squares, gardens, and fortifications. Tarnished by years of Nazi occupation, followed by decades of Communist rule, the city has slowly regained its full splendor in recent years, while still displaying much of its troubled history.

UPCES students experienced Krakow through walking tours of the Old Town, Jewish Quarter, Jewish Ghetto, and, of course, free-time exploration. Also included in the trip was a visit to the Oscar Schindler Factory, now converted into a modern Holocaust and history museum, and a half-day trip to the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Pictures of the the UPCES weekend trip to Krakow have been published on the UPCES Facebook page and can be viewed here!