
UPCES courses are designed to inspire, challenge, and motivate students to discover new topics and different perspectives.

UPCES students enroll in 5 courses (including Elementary Czech Language) for a total of 16 academic credits. UPCES courses are listed under the Charles University Faculty of Humanities.

"...I was touched by the passion of the professors. They challenged me to gaze upon the world through a different lens, and I grew enormously as an individual."

- Nick Kobel, UPCES Alumnus

Course Subjects

UPCES offers courses in a wide range of subjects. All courses are taught in English. Students of diverse majors will find courses at UPCES that meet their academic interests and requirements from the following subjects:


Course Schedule

UPCES courses are offered Monday-Thursday during the academic year. UPCES does not have Friday classes. View the following Course Schedule to see the Fall 2024 weekly schedule and List of courses.

Course Numbering

All UPCES courses are designed specifically for U.S. university junior/senior level and correspond to the upper-level credit distinctions provided at most North American universities. University Academic Advisors should refer to the course syllabi to determine if credit is approved or not for individual courses.

UPCES Faculty

UPCES professors are leading scholars in their fields and hold distinguised teaching credentials. Faculty members are drawn from the university and also include government leaders and industry specialist.

Independent Study

If a student is interested in a specific course that is not being offered during the semester, it is possible to arrange an Independent Study course with an UPCES professor. This requires the approval of the UPCES Director, the chosen professor, and the student's home institution.

Czech Language

UPCES firmly believes that learning the Czech language is an integral part of the study abroad experience in Prague. UPCES students are required to take the course Elementary Czech Language for the duration of the semester. Students with a background in Czech language may be enrolled in an upper-level course.

American Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance

As an American study abroad program in Prague, UPCES recognizes and honors the American Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States, and is fully compliant to the academic accommodations required by students covered by ADA.

Students requiring academic accommodation should inform the UPCES Director prior to the beginning of classes so these accommodations can be arranged. The student's university should send official Academis Accommodation Requests to the UPCES Director prior to the beginning of classes.

Rarely, there could be an accommodation that presents a challenge to arrange so students should always check ahead of time with the UPCES Director. If there are any questions about ADA compliance, please contact the UPCES Director.