
As you’re preparing to join us in Prague in just a few short weeks, the term, “culture shock” may come to mind. Culture shock is part of the process of adapting to a new culture and emotions can range from excitement to frustration, interest to fear. Any of these and more are completely normal responses to the unfamiliar surroundings and major lifestyle changes that come with your big move abroad.

Read more …Culture Shock 101


As arrival day draws nearer, many UPCES students have pulled out their suitcases and started to pack. Each semester, the UPCES staff gets several questions about the type of clothes to pack for their semester abroad in Prague. All of our students have a variety of personal styles and many of the things they already own will be perfect for their life in Prague. There’s absolutely no need to go buy a new wardrobe to dress like the Czechs do. As you’re starting to lay out your clothes, here are a few situations you might have to dress for and how the Czech people typically dress for each of them.

Read more …How to Dress Like a Local


Freezing cold weather calls for some delicious cups of coffee!

Although UPCES provides complementary coffee in the study lounge, we encourage our students to explore Prague a bit more!

If you’re a coffee lover, you might love this article just as much.

Read more …Top 10 Prague Cafés according to Veronika


The very first week of the Spring semester is over!

Our students are all set in their new homes and ready for the upcoming adventures!

Read more …Spring 2018 semester has started!